Stones have healing powers . For exsample : Sodalite
Celebrated as one of the most powerful crystals for rinsing the body of toxic vibes most associated with fear and guilt, Sodalite pushes you higher to claim that confidence clarity and emotional intelligence that is needed for enhancing self-trust. As mentioned, this is a stone that wants you to not just survive – but to fully thrive to the best of your being. Here are all the amazing benefits you can expect when you bring the healing energy of Sodalite into your soul…
White Howlite has a soothing pulse and is excellent in the use of insomnia. It slows the activity of the mind and allows undisturbed rest. It is used in the teachings of patience and aids memory expansion. Howlite can eliminate rage and calm violent, uncontrolled anger. Keep it in your pocket or on your person to absorb negative energies. It will prove a great help in controlling your own anger and will soften anger directed at you. To use Howlite hold a piece in the palm of your hand. Close your eyes and relax; check your breathing and feel the pulse in your hand. At first your pulse seems quite fast but gradually it seems to slow. When the pulse seems very slow and peaceful, put the Howlite down and check your pulse by feeling the vein in your wrist.
We also offer psychic advice in our shop
Candace's unique psychic ability is not only allowing her to tap into your energies and vibrations but also your lover’s energies and vibrations. And that will give you a better understanding what your lover feels about you and what future you have with one another.
Do you want to know how to save your marriage? Do you want to know how to deal with problems in your family or in the workplace? Do you feel lost and confused and need clarity in your life? She will give you the insight and tools you need to redirect your life in the right path… What you do with Candace's advice is up to you to use to live a thriving life; the choice is yours.Restore Marriage And Stop Divorce, I Can Stop Arguing, Cheating And Separation And Then Spiritually Healed. You'll Be Guided To A Greater Path in your Love life.