727-900-2219     9107 Park Blvd, Semiole, FL 33777


Stones have healing powers . For exsample : Sodalite

   Celebrated as one of the most powerful crystals for rinsing the body of toxic vibes most associated with fear and guilt, Sodalite pushes you higher to claim that confidence clarity and emotional intelligence that is needed for enhancing self-trust. As mentioned, this is a stone that wants you to not just survive – but to fully thrive to the best of your being. Here are all the amazing benefits you can expect when you bring the healing energy of Sodalite into your soul…



         We carry many healing stones inour crystal shop. They have the power to heal and restore your soul

     This stone has many healing properties. Besides being an effective cure for insomnia it also helps children grow confidence and shed their timidity. It also makes the environment peaceful and thus promotes better living conditions. It is considered to be good for bones, neck, spine and teeth. It will help you improve your health and stamina and provides you with all the energy to complete all your tasks and achieve your goals. It brings blessings to your home and makes it endowed with peace. It will help you ease the tension of competition and allows you to enjoy life at its own pace


We carry many healing stones in our crystal shop in Barrington

    Peacock Ore is a stone of happiness and joy, it is said to turn you in positive directions, and help channel happiness to others; generally a stone of mental uplift. The most lovely gift of this stone is that it brings you the ability to see and appreciate the joy available in every moment, as well as a feeling of acceptance that all is exactly as it should be, exactly as it is…whats not to love!It is said to encourage an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of your life, but it is all down to your perception of it, everything is for purposeful good.Peacock Ore is said to be one of the most powerful stones when used in conjunction with chakra healing as it’s energy is such that when placed on one chakra it effects all of the others.In physical healing it is used to stimulate adrenaline and encourage the production of calcium within the body.